This post is a bit unusual for this blog format but I hope you’ll find it useful nonetheless. It is a result of a reader’s question I received some time ago. It probably is a question many starting freelancers ask, if they are unsure of their qualifications. So I included the question as well as some food for thought on some points in her email. Read on.
Looking Back on 2014
Hi, all! I am not sure if you noticed but I have not been publishing new content for the past couple of weeks. I was traveling (of course!) but also, I decided to take some time off of blogging to reflect. I looked back on my year 2014 and drafted some goals for 2015.
Looking back on 2014
When to Say NO to a New Freelance Client
If you are in your 7th stage of the freelance cycle, ‘all is perfectly well’, you are already used to declining work. However, if you are earlier in your freelance career, check out these 5 situations when to say NO to a new client and why. #1 When the new client has a bad reputation […]
How to Become a Freelancer
Working from home is the future of modern day employment. But it’s not as easy as just quitting your day job and starting to work with clients. There are certain steps one should take, which don’t have anything to do with occupation or professional skills. Let’s look into some of them.
What to consider before you decide to become a freelancer
How Your Ideal Client is Different from the Bad Freelance Client
How a prospect treats me as early as the preliminary negotiations stage determines whether I’d work with them or not. Note this post is not about paying clients vs scammers. It’s more about the mentality of the ideal client and how they treat their freelancers compared to bad freelance clients.
The ideal client doesn’t need freelancers to work for him. He or she needs a freelancer to work with them.
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